филтри ˆ

Soviet Lithuanian Amateur Film Collection

The collection represents filmmakers in Soviet Lithuania who could escape Soviet censorship because they were not professionals, and therefore worked outside official structures. As a consequence, these artists were able to address sensitive social issues, and use avant-garde forms of expression that were forbidden in official contemporary cinematography. 



  • Литовски

Име на колекцията

  • Soviet Lithuanian Amateur Film Collection

Произход, история и културни дейности

Описание на съдържанието


  • филм: 10-99



Дата на създаване

  • 2005

Място на създаване

Създатели на съдържание

Личност(и), събрали колекцията

  • Gaigalas, Vidmantas

Важни събития в историята на колекцията


  • completely open to the public


  • No publication


Списък библиография

Gaigalas, Vidmantas , interview by Grybkauskas, Saulius, April 07, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

Gubanovas, Nikolajus , interview by Grybkauskas, Saulius, April 06, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2020-02-26 14:11:31