Hidden Paths
Exits and Parallel Worlds
Hidden Paths
Exits and Parallel Worlds
Direct Week, July 6-9, 1972
Заливаха, Опанас. Зона, 1972 р. Живопис.
Nelu Stratone - Colecție privată de înregistrări muzicale
Prison dossier Lazar Stojanović
Službena bilješka iz dosjea Vlade Gotovca o osobnoj kores...
Kolekcja Tomasz Sikorskiego z Biennale Form Przestrznnych...
Raport al KGB din RSSM privind Radio Europa Liberă, 1972 ...
First folk dance house in Budapest, 1972. Photo
Letter of Russian drama theater to Jurašas
Goma, Paul. Gherla, in French, 1976. Book
Romo Kalantos kolekcija
Actul oficial de acuzare referitor la cazul lui Pavel Dor...
Report of the working group of the Conference of the LCC-...
KGB prieš Juozą Keliuotį
Stus, Vasyl. Time of Creativity (Chas Tvorchosti), in Ukr...
Archive of Student Cultural Center
Action Tableau of shaking hands, 1972. Work of art
Conversation between Lucian Pintilie and the actor Paul S...
Dismissal of Tenisons' troupe from Kaunas Musical Theater
Стус, Василь. "Мені зоря сіяла нині вранці…" Час творчост...
Az Orfeo csoport kommunája
Act oficial de acuzare privind cazul lui Alexandru Șoltoi...
Lajos Vajda Studio Archive
Once we went, 1972. Photo series
Activities with Dobromierz, photo series, 1972-1974
Az első táncház Budapesten, 1972 ( „Zene és tánc, úgy min...
Archiwum KwieKulik
Minutes of Problemos (the Problems) editorial board's mee...
The Stages of the Evolution of Art, graphic, 1972
Katalikų spauda Sovietų Lietuvoje
Ion Monoran Private Collection
Religion and atheism in Bulgaria under communism
Türk, Péter: Variational experiment with open and closed ...
Fiatal népművészek tábora, Fadd-Dombori, 1972.
Usatiuc-Ghimpu-Graur Collection (National Patriotic Front...
Mirákl 1,2
Manuscript of "Lenini sõnad" [Lenin's words]
Work Diary of the Chapel Studio, 1972.
Cseh-szlovák-magyar művészek találkozója, 1972.
Saulė Aleškevičiūtė-Kisarauskienė
Report on oversight of the legality of the work of Matica...
Novinski izvještaji o sudskim postupcima zbog krivičnog d...
Farewell Waltz