филтри ˆ

Documentation of the ban of the play „When pumpkins blossomed” by Dragoslav Mihailović

Поштена употреба, https://sr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=451160



  • Сръбски


Година на създаване

  • 1969


  • KPR II-4-a/73

Избрани пример от


  • Radović, Sanja

Списък библиография

Dragićević Šešić, Milena, and Stefanović, Milena. 2014. “How Theaters Remember: Cultures of Memory in Institutionalized Systems.” Култура/Culture 4:11-30. Accessed November 11 2017. http://journals.cultcenter.net/index.php/culture/article/view/72/59

Matović, Dragana. 2016. „Rezolucija Josipa Broza o tikvama.” [The Resolution of Josip Broz about the Pumpkins] Večernje Novosti, 1 December. Accessed May 8, 2017.  http://www.novosti.rs/dodatni_sadrzaj/clanci.119.html:637810-Rezolucija-Josipa-Broza-o-tikvama 

Pašić, Feliks. 1992. „Kad smo cekali Godoa dok su cvetale tikve” [As we were waiting for Godot while pumpkins blossomed]. Beograd.

Strugar, Vukica. 2013. „Dragoslav Mihailović: Kad su cvetali strahovi i laži”. [Dragoslav Mihailović: When fear and lies blossomed] Večernje Novosti, 16 October. Accessed May 8, 2017.  http://www.novosti.rs/vesti/kultura.71.html:459095-Dragoslav-Mihailovic-Kad-su-cvetali-strahovi-i-lazi

Radisavljević, Zoran 2011. „Policijski dosijei su očerupani.” [The Police dossiers are pulled apart] Politika, 16 July. Accessed May 8, 2017. http://www.politika.rs/sr/clanak/184571/Policijski-dosijei-su-ocerupani

Vučetić, Radina 2011. Između avangarde i cenzure. u: Tito i umetnost šezdesetih. u: „Tito - viđenja i tumačenja. Zbornik radova” (ur. Manojlovic-Pintar, Olga) [Between avangarde and censorship. Tito and the arts of the sixties. In: Tito: views and interpretations. Collection of works]. Inst. za Noviju Istoriju Srbije Beograd. INS.

2019-03-06 16:40:53