филтри ˆ

Anton Fabian Collection

The collection contains recordings and albums secretly recorded on tapes at the performances of the Loving Teenagers gospel band (1970  – 1972, member Anton Fabian) in Bratislava and Prague, distributed on cassettes. It also contains albums recorded in a secret studio in Hýľov near the town of Košice (1984 – 1988) and samizdats on religious and spiritual topics.



  • Словашки

Име на колекцията

  • Anton Fabian Collection

Произход, история и културни дейности

Описание на съдържанието

  • The collection contains recordings and various documents with notes connected to the writing of these hymns, i.e. of gospel music, in Slovakia. The driving force behind all this was Anton Fabian, the author of the songs, who distributed these works in the underground church in Slovakia.


  • музикални записи: 0-9
  • ръкописи (его-документи, дневници, бележки, писма, чернови и др.): 10-99



Географски обхват

  • регионален


Дата на създаване

  • 1970

Място на създаване

Създатели на съдържание

Личност(и), събрали колекцията


  • visits by appointments


  • Kajanová, Yvetta. Gospel music na Slovensku. Bratislava: Katedra hudobnej vedy Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Komenského, 2009.


  • Kajanová, Yvetta

Списък библиография

Fabian, Anton , interview by Kajanová, Yvetta , May 12, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2020-03-02 11:55:19