Daša Duhaček has a PhD in Political Philosophy from Rutgers University, USA, and
is one of the founders of the Center for Women’s Studies in Belgrade .
In addition, she is the coordinator of the MA program in Gender Studies and director of the Center for Gender and Politics at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade. Duhaček is also the director of the course in Feminist Criticism at Inter-University Centre (IUC) Dubrovnik. Her research areas are feminist theory and political philosophy. Her key publications include “Women’s Time in Former Yugoslavia” (in Gender Politics and Post Communism, New York, 1993); “Belgrade Women’s Studies Centre” in European Journal of Women’s Studies, SAGE, (London 1998); The Captives of Evil: The Legacy of Hannah Arendt (co-edited with Obrad Savić, Belgrade, 2002); “The Making of Political Responsibility: The Case of Serbia” (in Women and Citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe (Burlington, 2006); The Burden of Our Times (Belgrade, 2010); “Questioning Authority in the Singular” in European Journal of Women’s Studies, SAGE (London, 2011); “Classic Liberal Feminism” and “Gender and Identity” in Introduction to Gender Theories (Novi Sad, 2011).
She has taught at Rutgers University, USA, and Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary, among many others.
Duhaček is a pioneer of women’s movements in Yugoslavia and of studies of women in Eastern Europe. The Women’s Studies Center in Belgrade was the first of its kind in the former Yugoslav region and has developed into an important place for women, peace and democracy.