авангард, нео-авангард
алтернативен начин на живот и съпротива в всекидневието алтернативни форми на образование
визуални изкуства
движение за защита на човешките права
движения за мир
демократична опозиция
етническо движение
женско движение защита на околната среда
изобразително изкуство критична наука
литература и литературна критика
малцинствени движения медии
младежка култура музика надзор, наблюдение народна култура
научна критика национални движения
независима журналистика
отказ от военна служба
оцелели след преследвания при авторитарни / тоталитарни режими партийни дисиденти
популярна култура
религиозен активизъм
самиздат и тамиздат социални движения
студентско движение
театър и сценични изкуства
филм философски / теоретични движения
цензура ъндърграунд култура
видео записи
други други произведения на изкуството
звукови записи
картини лична документация
музикални записи
правна и / или финансова документация приложно изкуство
публикации ръкописи сива литература
снимки техническо оборудване
In 1963 the painter and graphic artist Roger Loewig was arrested following his first privately organised exhibition in East-Berlin. Throughout the regime, Loewig denied socialist realism artistic forms of production, while his artworks were considered subversive. After almost one year of imprisonment, Loewig was released in the GDR with the support from the Protestant Church from West Germany. Loewig’s release on three years probation could not be prevented. It was only 1972 that the artist could leave the GDR and settled in West-Berlin. Following his death in 1997, Loewig’s private fine-arts collection was bestowed by the Roger Loewig Association. This was founded in 1998 in Frankfurt Oder. Since 2000 the fine-arts legacy of the artist is preserved by the Federal Foundation for Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship. This aims at facilitating the scientific documentation and preservation of Loewig' artistic legacy. The literary and biographical works are currently on hold at the Academy of Arts in Berlin.
The collection reflects, on the one hand, the oppositional activity of the Romanian Greek Catholic (Uniate) Church towards the communist regime, and, on the other hand, the intense surveillance and harsh repression of this Church carried out by the repressive apparatus of the communist authorities. The Romanian Greek Catholic Church Ad-hoc Collection represents the most comprehensive collection of documents, which illustrates the multilayered resistance to dictatorship of one of the most repressed religious groups in communist Romania and its vivid underground religious activity from 1948 to 1989.
The collection is an album of 24 photographs made by a KGB officer (or secret informer) about the youth protests after the self-immolation of Romas Kalanta in Kaunas in the spring of 1972. The album shows the attitude of the KGB towards the anti-Soviet event and youth protests. On the other hand, it also shows the attitude of the younger generation of Lithuanians towards the regime.