Ruml, Jiří
Plzeň, Czech Republic
Покажи на картата -
Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
Покажи на картата
Място на раждане
- Plzeň, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Дата на раждане
- 1925
Дата на смърт
- 2004
- Charter 77 Collection of the Czechoslovak Documentation Centre
- Czech Exile Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Czech Samizdat Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Interviews Collection of the Oral History Center
- Jiří Ruml Collection
- Samizdat Collection of Czechoslovak Documentation Centre
- VONS Collection at Libri Prohibiti
- Václav Havel Library
- Müller, Dorota
- Rajlová, Lucie
Списък библиография
Tomeš, Josef et al. 1999. Český biografický slovník XX. století. III. díl Q–Ž. Praha: Paseka.
Wikipedia. 2018. “Jiří Ruml.” Accessed September 27.
2019-03-09 17:47:51