авангард, нео-авангард
алтернативен начин на живот и съпротива в всекидневието алтернативни форми на образование
визуални изкуства
движение за защита на човешките права
движения за мир
демократична опозиция
етническо движение
женско движение защита на околната среда
изобразително изкуство критична наука
литература и литературна критика
малцинствени движения медии
младежка култура музика надзор, наблюдение народна култура
научна критика национални движения
независима журналистика
отказ от военна служба
оцелели след преследвания при авторитарни / тоталитарни режими партийни дисиденти
популярна култура
религиозен активизъм
самиздат и тамиздат социални движения
студентско движение
театър и сценични изкуства
филм философски / теоретични движения
цензура ъндърграунд култура
видео записи
други други произведения на изкуството
звукови записи
картини лична документация
музикални записи
правна и / или финансова документация приложно изкуство
публикации ръкописи сива литература
снимки техническо оборудване
From the agents’ reports about the Orfeo-group, one gleans insights into one of the most unique alternative theatre companies in Hungary. These accounts were based on personal meetings and recollections of the performances. The secret police was interested in members’ political views, and they wanted to know how their ideas were presented in the plays and the talks and debates held after the performances. These documents are preserved at the Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security (ÁBTL). The folder with the cover name “Community” shows how the political police created a picture about a group of “hostile” artists, who were perceived as dangerous to “the existing social order.”
The members of Orfeo built a semi-detached house in Pilisborosjenő (15 kilometers from Budapest) between 1972 and 1974, when they wanted to improve the conditions under which they worked. The first house became the home of the actors of the Orfeo Studio. The Orfeo Group constructed a commune, while also holding theatrical and musical performances and creating artwork and photos. The creation of a collection on their work is the result of ordinary activities and an alternative, opposition-cultural lifestyle, which was, in turn, embodied in a house and objects. The inner spaces, the furniture in the house, and the uses of the furniture themselves are artistic works. The houses were spaces of the alternative theatre work and alternative lifestyle of Orfeo, which was condemned by the state authorities as violating the norms and morals of social coexistence.