авангард, нео-авангард
алтернативен начин на живот и съпротива в всекидневието алтернативни форми на образование
визуални изкуства
движение за защита на човешките права
движения за мир
демократична опозиция
етническо движение
женско движение защита на околната среда
изобразително изкуство критична наука
литература и литературна критика
малцинствени движения медии
младежка култура музика надзор, наблюдение народна култура
научна критика национални движения
независима журналистика
отказ от военна служба
оцелели след преследвания при авторитарни / тоталитарни режими партийни дисиденти
популярна култура
религиозен активизъм
самиздат и тамиздат социални движения
студентско движение
театър и сценични изкуства
филм философски / теоретични движения
цензура ъндърграунд култура
видео записи
други други произведения на изкуството
звукови записи
картини лична документация
музикални записи
правна и / или финансова документация приложно изкуство
публикации ръкописи сива литература
снимки техническо оборудване
The Nelu Stratone collection is one of the most impressive collections of rock, jazz, and folk records created in communist Romania, as a result of the happy combination between its owner’s exceptional passion for alternative music and his ability to acquire records that were not imported officially. The collection is important not only for its size, but even more for the significant number of albums of Western provenance, which were unavailable in shops in Romania but could nevertheless be obtained due to the existence of an alternative market for such products. The creation and preservation of such a collection were activities regarded with suspicion by the communist authorities in Romania, because they proved the younger generation’s fascination with Western cultural products, in contravention of the spirit of Nicolae Ceauşescu’s Theses of July 1971.
The No Art Collection is a part of the Anti-Museum founded by Vladimir Dodig Trokut. It consists of characteristic avant-garde and post-avant-garde artefacts. The Anti-Museum’s No Art Collection was established during the many years of Trokut’s activity as a member of the informal cultural opposition, which was supported by prominent individuals and public personalities, such as artists and politicians like Koča Popović and Jure Kaštelan.
Ferenc Bodor’s Nomad Dossiers is a collection representing a unique component of cultural opposition in Eastern Europe: materials related to ethno-folk revival and its Hungarian manifestation, the so-called “dance-house movement”. This collection also contains material regarding the Studio of Young Folk Artists, which was formed in the 1970s. Communist authorities considered the movement to be suspicious. They feared that it might increase nationalism among young people and, furthermore, that it might generate a powerful rival to the official youth organization.